Groundbreaking held for new Trumann Fire Department (Local News ~ 03/08/24)
Trumann Mayor Jay Paul Woods, Trumann Fire Chief Revis Kemper along with several members of the Trumann Fire Department, city officials and local politicians, broke ground on the new fire station this past Tuesday. Trumann's fire station was destroyed from the tornado in December of 2021... -
Job Fair annouinced
(Local News ~ 03/08/24)
The Poinsett County Drug Court job and resource fair is scheduled for March 13 from 8 a.m. to noon at the Trumann Recreational Center located at 16179 Pecan Grove Road. The Poinsett County Adult Drug Court's mission it to improve the quality of life for participants, increase public safety, and decrease the incarceration of eligible defendants with chemical addiction and/or substance abuse disorders by providing a collaborative multi-agency team approach...
Trumann mayor to help with garbage complaints
(Local News ~ 03/08/24)
Trumann Mayor Jay Paul Woods recently met with the general manager of MARCK Waste Management about complaints from citizens about the trash services for the city. Woods met with the General Manager of MARCK waste management for us (city) to get on the same page. First, all complaints about garbage pickup should be made by calling MARCK direct at 870-935-1491. If it is a billing question, you call the Water Office at 870-483-6343,” Woods said...
EPC Senior High Quiz Bowl Team (Local News ~ 03/08/24)
EPC Quiz Bowl team takes top honors. -
Trumann Senior High Quiz Bowl Team (Local News ~ 03/08/24)
Trumann Quiz Bowl team headed to state tournament. -
PET TALK: March is Pet Poison Awareness Month
(Local News ~ 03/08/24)
March is Pet Poison Prevention Awareness Month. You may think it’s easy to keep hazardous substances away from pets, but accidental spills, dropped pills, and even beautiful bouquets can spell disaster for dogs and cats if they’re consumed. Common Household Toxins...
Now is the time to prevent summer weeds
(Local News ~ 03/08/24)
Now is the time of year that lawns are loaded with winter weeds. Although it is a sign that spring is right around the corner, it usually is a cause for dismay for most homeowners. A lot of the weeds are already blooming and it is getting a little late to worry about spraying, as some seeds are already set or beginning to set and the problems will still be there next year. ...
Stories from Friday, March 8, 2024
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