Trumann Chamber plans annual meeting (Local News ~ 03/02/23)
Cliff McKinney will be the keynote speaker for the 2023 Trumann Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting to be held at 6:00 at the Trumann Wildcat Center. This year's theme is retail development. McKinney is a managing Member at the law firm of Quattlebaum. Grooms and Tull PLLC in Little Rock. He earned his Bachelor of Arts from Baylor University, Master of Public Administration and Juris Doctor both from the Universrty of Arkansas, and his Master of Laws from Southem Methodist University... -
Marked Tree Council votes to fill vacant seat
(Local News ~ 03/02/23)
The Marked Tree City Council voted during executive session to have Michael Scott fill the vacant seat for Ward 2 Position Two. Scott was selected over Tom Rhoads and Larry Crockett. The seat became vacant after Brad Daniels resigned from the council. Scott was sworn in by Marked Tree Clerk Susan Macefe...
It's time to plan your garden
(Local News ~ 03/02/23)
Hopefully you all made it through the blizzard of 2022 with minimal inconvenience and frozen pipes. While it’s fresh on your mind, take time to insulate and correct those problem areas so that you aren’t surprised the next time. This could also be the time to make plans to avoid the inconveniences that you may have experienced. Better to have it and not need it!!!...
Local students make Fulbright Dean's List
(Local News ~ 03/02/23)
Three Poinsett County students were named to the Fall 2022 Dean's List in the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Arkansas. To qualify for the Dean's List, the following students achieved at least a 3.75 grade-point average for the semester while completing at least 12 credit hours...
School board candidates to draw for positions
(Local News ~ 03/02/23)
The Poinsett County Board of Election Commissioners has announced that there will be a public meeting on Friday, March 3 at 6:00 p.m. in the conference area of the Poinsett County Annex Building for candidates to draw for their ballot positions for the upcoming Annual (May) School Election. Anyone with questions regarding this may contact the County Clerk’s office at 870-578-4410, Election Coordinator Gina Oberg at 870-408-5733, or any member of the Poinsett County Election Commission...
PET TALK: Why is my cat coughing?
(Local News ~ 03/02/23)
The sound of a coughing cat is enough to make any owner jump up and make sure the cat is not going to barf on the rug or furniture. Cats generally do not cough, so anytime your cat is coughing it is very important to contact your veterinarian. There are several reasons that may be causing your cat to cough...
Extension Service applies for CDC High Obesity grant
(Local News ~ 03/02/23)
The University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension Service (UADA), and its County Extension Office in Poinsett County/Brenda Cox is submitting a proposal to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) High Obesity Program grant. ...
Trumann JROTC receives citation (Local News ~ 03/02/23)
Trumann JROTC receices Arkansas Capital Citation.
Stories from Thursday, March 2, 2023
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