City council approves budget
(Local News ~ 12/13/07)
Tribune Editor The Marked Tree City Council unanimously approved its 2008 budget and passed an ordinance changing privilege licenses within the city at their regular meeting Monday night. The city's budget includes line items for leased police cars as well as for the new garbage truck and containers which should be in place shortly after Christmas...
Hindman named Tyronza citizen of the year (Local News ~ 12/13/07)
Tribune News Staff Paul Hindman of Tyronza is one of the most dedicated and serving men of his town. It was no surprise to others around him that he received the 2007 Tyronza Citizen of the Year award. "It was kind of a like a double whammy on me," said Hindman. "I sure do appreciate it, because I never thought that anything like this would ever happen to me."... -
Marked Tree has unpleasant trip to Crowley's Ridge Academy Friday night
(High School Sports ~ 12/13/07)
Tribune Sports Staff None of the Marked Tree basketballers who were riding back from CRA last Friday night were in a very talkative mood. There had been four games and four losses. As a result, each team continues to look for their first victory of the season...
Lady Warriors make short work of Lady Bearcats
(High School Sports ~ 12/13/07)
Tribune Sports Staff EPC's Lady Warriors (11-0, 5-0) had very little competition from the Lady Bearcats last Thursday night at Brookland, but at least they were able to practice their man-to-man defense in the 70-33 victory. "We had been working on out 'man' defense because we know that somewhere along the line we're going to have to use it," said coach Bobby Lewallen. "We played it for 90 percent of this game and we really did a good job with it."...
Indians dominate all 2A-3 conference team
(High School Sports ~ 12/13/07)
Tribune Sports Staff Marked Tree Indian football coach Tim Branum announced the winners of all-district and all-state honors last week. Three players garnered all-state honors while 11 were named to the 2A-3 all-conference team. Topping the list of all the players named, however, were Michael Gray and Jay Blansett, who were named the conference's outstanding back and lineman for the 2007 season...
Hoxie dominates EPC with stifling defense (High School Sports ~ 12/13/07)
Tribune Sports Staff Hoxie's full court press caused continual problems for EPC at Lepanto Friday night, keeping the Warriors from ever getting close to breaking the Mustangs and dropping a 69-40 conference contest. "We had 17 turnovers in the second half alone," said coach Josh Hill of the game. "You can't have that many turnovers and expect to win. We have to take care of the ball better."... -
EPC halts Junior Lions tournament title chase 46-26 (High School Sports ~ 12/13/07)
and DAN BRAWNER Tribune Sports Staff EPC (8-2) broke open a tight game with an 18-point third quarter explosion to put away Manila, 46-26, in the finals of the junior high division of the Gerald Jennings Tournament Saturday night at Gosnell. "It was the best defensive game we had all year," said coach Josh Hill of the championship victory. "Ky (Madden) was extremely dominating with his blocking and rebounding. And Darrius (Barnes) had a heck of a game."... -
Sonya Maria Huddleston
(Obituary ~ 12/13/07)
Sonya Maria Huddleston, 51, of Dyess died Dec. 2, 2007 at the Med in Memphis. She was born Oct. 4, 1953 in Kankakee, Ill. She worked for the CNA and was a member of the Pentecostal Faith. She is survived by one daughter, Misty Mustion of Dyess; one son, Jonathan Mustion of Dyess; three sisters, Linda Long of Eddieville, Ky. Cinday Bass of Gosnell, Becky Halford of Dyess; and three brothers, David Williams of Harrison, Robert Halford of West Ridge and Michael Williams of Kuttawa, Ky...
Edna Francis Hawkins Popejoy
(Obituary ~ 12/13/07)
Edna Francis Hawkins Popejoy, 91, of Marked Tree died Dec. 3, 2007 at St. Bernard's Regional Medical Center in Jonesboro. She was born on June 15, 1916, in Vandale and was a member of Corners Chapel Baptist Church. She is survived by two daughters, Betty Hooker of Marked Tree and Margie Sullivan of Payneway; two sons, Jerry Hawkins of Hot Springs and Donald Hawkins of Hot Springs; two sisters, Mildred Ragan of Marked Tree, Lena Bolin of Jonesboro; 12 grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren and 13 great-great-grandchildren.. ...
Toys and clothes giveaway is Dec. 22
(Local News ~ 12/13/07)
Project PUMP will distribute clothes and toys from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, Dec. 22. Those needing toys and clothes are encouraged to come by the Industrial Street Church of Christ located at 306 Industrial Street in Marked Tree at this time. Project PUMP offers a special thanks to the Marked Tree Fire Department for their very generous toy donation...
Poinsett County woman offers jewels of hope (Local News ~ 12/13/07)
Tribune Editor Karon Henick isn't just any jewelry maker. She's a jewel all her own. The Leachville native lives in Harrisburg with her husband Keith. There she spends her days and nights fashioning jewelry of all kinds from crystals, gems, pearls and all sorts of brilliantly sparkling stones... -
Church of God holds mortgage burning and building dedication (Local News ~ 12/13/07)
The Church of God on Balcom Lane in Trumann passed a milestone recently when they held a mortgage burning and building dedication held at 4 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 2., according to Pastor Michael Jernigan. "It was a happy occasion for our congregation," Jernigan said. "Many members, friends and family attended the ceremony."... -
Stacy's celebrate 60th anniversary (Local News ~ 12/13/07)
A.C. and Marguerite Stacy celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary, Monday, Dec. 10. The couple was married on Dec. 10, 1947 at Promised Land by Rev. Will Morgan at his house. They celebrated with a family dinner at Lazarri's in Jonesboro. They renewed their wedding vows on their 50th wedding anniversary... -
Alexis Olivia Elizabeth Percifull born
(Local News ~ 12/13/07)
Sarah Campbell and Craig Percifull of Cabot are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Alexis Olivia Elizabeth Percifull. She was born at 9:56 a.m., July 23, 2007 at Baptist Hospital in North Little Rock. She weighed five pounds and three ounces and was 18.75 inches long...
Jose Santana Hugh Rodriguez born
(Local News ~ 12/13/07)
Christina Short and Jose Luis Rodriguez of Trumann are proud to announce the birth of their son, Jose Santana Hugh Rodriguez. Jose was born Oct. 21, 2007. He weighed eight pounds and one ounce and was 19.5 inches long. He has two brothers, Ricky Luis Rodriguez of Trumann and Jose Luis Rodriguez, Jr. of Mexico...
Poinsett County woman offers jewels of hope (Local News ~ 12/13/07)
Karon Henick isn't just any jewelry maker. She's a jewel all her own. The Leachville native lives in Harrisburg with her husband Keith. There she spends her days and nights fashioning jewelry of all kinds from crystals, gems, pearls and all sorts of brilliantly sparkling stones... -
Veterans eligible for national grant funds
(Local News ~ 12/13/07)
Last week the Coalition to Salute America's Heroes presented a check of $500,000 to The American Legion so the nation's largest veteran's organization can award grants to disabled veterans who served in the Iraq or Afghanistan wars. "These grants are just a small token of appreciation for the sacrifices made by so many of America's men and women in uniform," said Thomas J. ...
TPD felony arrest report
(Local News ~ 12/13/07)
Vernon Harrell, 203 East Speedway, was arrested on Dec. 6 by Det. Sgt. Jonathan Skaggs and charged with failure to register as a sex offender. According to reports Harrell didn't turn in his sex offender registration form on time. When Det. Sgt. Skaggs went to speak with him about being late, he learned Harrell had moved without prior notification and then arrested him with a warrant...
Trumann Fire Department report for November
(Local News ~ 12/13/07)
Nov. 1 -- 9:12 a.m., 604 Maple, vehicle fire, six men, 14 minutes. Nov. 2 -- 10 a.m., 325 Ellis, house fire, one hour, nine men. Nov. 3 -- 12:30 a.m., 1728 Hwy 69 West, smoke scare, one hour, three men. Nov. 4 -- 10:59 p.m., 621 Monroe, medical call, four men, 21 minutes...
Local residents participate in holiday tradition
(Local News ~ 12/13/07)
Keeping the focus on the story of the birth of Jesus is the most important aspect of the Christmas holiday, according to a Jonesboro minister who is in charge of the living Christmas tree program at Walnut Baptist Church. Several Trumann residents were a part of the Living Christmas Tree program last weekend at the Jonesboro church, and Walnut Street Music Minister Keith Baker spoke to local Rotarians about the event...
Pvt. Obi graduates
(Local News ~ 12/13/07)
Army Pvt. Justin E. Obi has graduated from the Unit Supply Specialist Advanced Individual Training course at the Quartermaster Battalion, Fort Lee, Petersburg, Va. The course is designed to train students to receive, inspect, segregate, store, inventory, issue, deliver and turn-in organizational and installation supplies and equipment; maintain automated supply systems for accountability with use of unit computers; issue and receipt of small arms, and secure and control weapons and ammunition supplies.. ...
Rvt. Joshua Permenter graduates
(Local News ~ 12/13/07)
Army Pvt. Joshua B. Permenter has graduated from Basic Combat training at Fort Sill, Lawton, Okla. During the nine weeks of training, the soldier studied the Army mission and received instruction and training exercises in drill and ceremonies, Army history, core values and traditions, military courtesy, military justice, physical fitness, first aid, rifle marksmanship, weapons use, map reading and land navigation, foot marches, armed and unarmed combat, and field maneuvers and tactics...
Mayor's minute
(Local News ~ 12/13/07)
The beginning of 2007 was an adjustment period for myself and all the city departments. Getting used to each other, trying to figure out what each could do for the other to get the job done and improve on old methods of performing working duties. Well, we're getting there...
Giving is the best Christmas gift
(Local News ~ 12/13/07)
Christmas and the holidays have always been a time for me to reflect on how lucky I am for all the blessings I have in my life and how thankful I am for my family. It also makes me think about those who don't have all the things I take for granted. ...
Lions learn about 4-H history
(Local News ~ 12/13/07)
Lion club member and County Extension Agent Craig Allen presented a program to the Trumann Lions Club last Wednesday about the 4-H Centennial Celebration in Arkansas. In 2008 4-H will celebrate its 100th anniversary in Arkansas. In October 1908, a group of about 65 boys formed the White County Corn and Cotton Club as a way to learn the latest in agricultural technology and enjoy being with friends during the rare times they weren't doing chores at home. ...
Safety tips from the TFD
(Local News ~ 12/13/07)
As the temperature outside drops, Trumann families take to the indoors to keep safe and warm. What they may not realize is that turning up the heat can increase the risk of home heating fires. According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), nearly half of all home-heating fires occur during the winter months. ...
Trumann community members join together to fight arthritis
(Local News ~ 12/13/07)
Trumann Wild Cats is the team name chosen by Trumann community members who joined together for the Jingle Bell Run / Walk, Tuesday, Nov. 27. The event was to raise money for the, "Fight for the Cure for Arthritis." "The cause is one that is close to my heart and other team members, because each has a close family member who suffers from this disease," said team captain, Trish Tucker...
Church takes Angel Food orders
(Local News ~ 12/13/07)
Trumann First Baptist Church will be taking Angel Food Orders from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, Dec. 15. The cost for a box if food is just $30. There are no requirements. Everyone qualifies. The December menu includes one and a quarter pound of bacon wrapped beef filets, four pounds of individually frozen chicken leg quarters, two pound of lean hamburger steaks, one and a half pounds of boneless pork roast, one and a quarter pounds of meaty beef short ribs, 20 ounces of supreme pizza, 10 ounces of deli sliced turkey breast, three pounds of fresh apples, 35 ounces of crinkle cut French fries, 16 ounces of frozen green beans, 16 ounces onion rings, 14 ounces fancy ketchup, 26 ounces pasta sauce, 16 ounces pasta, 16 ounces pinto beans and seven and a half ounces of macaroni and cheese and one dessert item.. ...
Choir to perform during service
(Local News ~ 12/13/07)
The First Baptist Church Sanctuary Choir and Children's Choir will perform at 11 a.m., Sunday, Dec. 16 during morning worship. The performance is titled, "Holy Child: A celebration of the majesty, the mystery and the miracle of Christmas."
Maple Grove has Christmas musical
(Local News ~ 12/13/07)
The Maple Grove Baptist Church Music Ministries would like to invite everyone in the community to their annual Christmas Musical. This year's Musical is called "Imagine: A Christmas Worship Experience." It is a Christmas Celebration of Christ's birth. Regi Stone and J. Daniel Smith created the musical with narrations by Mike Harland...
Bay lunch menu
(Local News ~ 12/13/07)
Week of Dec. 17 -- 21 Monday -- chicken pattie sandwich, fries, lettuce, tomato, pinto beans, diced pears and milk. Tuesday -- baked ham, sweet potatoes, potatoes and gravy, green beans, rolls, assorted desserts and drinks. Wednesday -- mini corn dogs, chips, pork and beans, diced peaches and milk...
Burning wood safely and preventing chimney fires (Local News ~ 12/13/07)
As the cold, rainy weather envelopes us and Christmas fast approaches, there's nothing like relaxing in front of your fireplace to make being home for the holidays a warm and enjoyable experience. But danger can lurk in your fireplace or chimney, said Dr. Tamara Walkingstick, a forester with the University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service. According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, more than 20,600 fires and 40 deaths per year are associated with fireplaces and chimneys... -
December of 1963 was a busy time in Trumann
(Local News ~ 12/13/07)
In December, 1963 Trumann was a busy place. The Trumann High School Marching Band had a busy week performing in area Christmas parades. The band, under the direction of Charles McAdams, marched in parades in Blytheville, Jonesboro and Osceola. The McCormick High School was for sale, according to C.P. Parker, superintendent of Trumann Schools. Bids could be submitted for the frame high school building until Jan. 10, 1964...
Separation of church and state???
(Local News ~ 12/13/07)
In the next couple of weeks, I hope to share my opinion on two hot topics -- religion and politics -- and how I believe it is entirely impossible to separate the two, particularly to separate a political candidate from his (or her) beliefs. First, though, we must tackle this issue of "separation of church and state." These five words have been chronically misused for over 200 years and have become the rallying cry of those who wish to separate God from all things political...
The true tale of two Christmas plants
(Local News ~ 12/13/07)
We all enjoy the decorations of Christmas and many people utilize plants to make the season even more festive. Two of the most utilized plants at Christmas time are the poinsettia and mistletoe. Many think that poinsettias are poison and that mistletoe is harmless. ...
Tips for getting your holiday mail out
(Local News ~ 12/13/07)
December is the busiest time of year for mailing and the U.S. Postal Service is helping to make holiday shipping needs a little bit easier. With 20 billion cards, letters and packages expected to be delivered this holiday season, the Postal Service has some tips to help send holiday cheer in a safe, secure manner...
Whispers from heaven
(Local News ~ 12/13/07)
For my daughter, brothers and sisters, Sharon, Matthew, Bill, Brenda, Carol, Jimmy and Donnie Welch. When I left this world without you, I know it made you blue Your tears fell so freely I watched, I know this is true. While you were weeping Days after I passed away...
Sandra Kay Weddle
(Obituary ~ 12/13/07)
Sandra Kay Smith Dobbins Weddle, 57, of Trumann died Thursday at Lawrence Hall Nursing Center in Walnut Ridge. Born in Harrisburg, she had lived in Walnut Ridge for the past few months and had lived most of her lifetime in Trumann. She was a homemaker and of the Pentecostal faith...
Wildcat's late charge not enough to overcome Raiders in Pre-Holiday semi
(High School Sports ~ 12/13/07)
Nettleton's Raiders (4-1) won their third straight Pre-Holiday Tournament Saturday, but not before they had to dispatch a scrappy Wildcat bunch, 77-61, Friday night. And as it turned out, Trumann (2-4) gave the Raiders more of a fight in their loss than did previously-undefeated, Westside in their championship game the next day, losing 77-53...
Cats ride Colts to very end of 71-68 loss at Trumann
(High School Sports ~ 12/13/07)
Trumann lost to Rivercrest Monday night, but by the end of the game, the Colts were just thankful to escape with their lives. Down by 18 entering the final period, the Wildcats went on a mad rampage as they charged back to within one. They couldn't completely put the visitors away, though, and took their fifth loss of the season, 71-68...
Lady Cats close out week with much needed win
(High School Sports ~ 12/13/07)
The Trumann Lady Wildcats grabbed their third win of the season last Thursday night with a 42-31 victory at Ridgefield Christian. "It seemed like we hit everything we put up," said coach Vickie Bowers. "Just about everyone scored and everyone on the team got to take a shot."...
Stories from Thursday, December 13, 2007
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