Beer permit approved despite objections By City and School Officials
(Local News ~ 08/22/07)
Over the objections of city leaders and local school officials, the Arkansas Alcoholic Beverage Control Division (ABC) awarded a beer permit to a local convenience store located near three of Trumann's public school campuses last week. The board took the objections into consideration, but awarded the permit because new owner Jackie R. McClure was "an awfully good applicant."...
Maxie Theatre celebrates 60th birthday (Local News ~ 08/22/07)
One of the oldest continuous operating businesses in Trumann celebrated a birthday this week. The Maxie Theatre began its sixtieth 60th year of operation on Monday and its fifty-first51st year of operation under the leadership of owner Jack Noel. It's hard to believe that going to the movie at the Maxie Theatre has been a rite of passage for kids in Trumann, Arkansas for six decades. The Maxie opened Wednesday, August 20, 1947, with a matinee performance... -
Work continues on two Poinsett County cemeteries
(Local News ~ 08/22/07)
(Editor's note: This information was taken from the Dr. Julie Morrow's web page, www.clt.astate.edu/jmorrow, detailing the work of the Judd Hill Foundation to preserve two Judd Hill cemeteries.) In December 2003, the ASU Station of the Arkansas Archeological Survey learned that two African-American cemeteries were in need of help. ...
Scotty Jones resigns from Trumann City Council
(Local News ~ 08/22/07)
Ward 3 Alderman Scotty Jones chose to resign from the Trumann City Council last week instead of fighting to retain his seat. Jones, who said he didn't want to comment on itthe issue, turned his resignation in last Thursday. Jones had the option of fighting to remain on the council, but decided to resign instead. His attorney, Curt Huckaby, of Lake City, advised his client to resign in the best interests of the people he represented in Ward 3 and the city of Trumann...
City Council votes down tax increase
(Local News ~ 08/22/07)
City Councilmen yielded to the opinions of their constituents last week and defeated an attempt to raise city franchise taxes for five utilities that provide local service to Trumann residents. The proposal, which would have raised franchise taxes from 4.25% to the maximum available tax of 5 %, was soundly defeated...
Poinsett Co. deputies make arrests
(Local News ~ 08/22/07)
The Poinsett County Sheriff's office arrested five people in one incident last week. Movita Halfacre, 413 Hancock in Bay; Michael Moody, 101 Mallard Cove; Steven Pippins, Riverbend #12; Scotty L. Jones, 544 Riverbend; and Deborah Jones, #90 Riverbend were all arrested by Sgt. Jeff Stewart and Deputy Bobby New...
Burn ban issued
(Local News ~ 08/22/07)
Poinsett County Judge Doyle Hillis has issued a burn ban, effective from 12 a.m., Tuesday, Aug. 14 for Poinsett County. The court order cites a long duration of dry weather with only intermittent and spotty rainfall has created dry and hazardous conditions...
Two new principals at Cedar Park
(Local News ~ 08/22/07)
Two familiar faces join the staff at Cedar Park Elementary as principal and assistant principal. Cindy Wright and Paula Barnhill both have been longtime employees of the Trumann School District. Wright joined the district in 1993 as girl's basketball coach. In 2003 she became assistant principal for Trumann Junior High School...
Miss Jonesboro set
(Local News ~ 08/22/07)
The 24th annual Little Mr. and Miss Jonesboro Open Beauty pageant is set for Sept. 29 at the Nettleton Performing Arts Center on Progress Street in Jonesboro. Registration for ages zero to five is from 9 to 10 a.m. with the first division beginning at 10:30 a.m.; registration for six -- 21 years of age will begin at 2:30 p.m. with afternoon pageants starting at 3 p.m...
Matthew Reece Kelley born
(Local News ~ 08/22/07)
Mary and Roy Kelly of Jonesboro are proud to announce the birth of their son, Matthew Reece Kelley. Matthew was born on Aug. 10, 2007 at St. Bernard's Regional Medical Center in Jonesboro weighing six pounds and 8.4 ounces. He has one big brother, Trevor, nine, and a big sister, Asia, six...
EHC met
(Local News ~ 08/22/07)
The Maple Grove Extension Homemaker Club met Aug. 13 in the church fellowship center. There were 11 members and one visitor, Sharon Linder, new county extension leader, present. The thought for the month was, "The only things we keep are the things we give away."...
Bella Lynne Dobbins born
(Local News ~ 08/22/07)
Richard Dobbins and Whitney Crowe of Jonesboro are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Bella Lynne Dobbins. Bella was born at 12:34 p.m. on August 12, 2007, at the NEA Women's Center in Jonesboro. She weighed seven pounds and 14 ounces. Her grandparents are Ricky and Kay Dobbins and Glenn and Cindy Crowe. Her great-grandparents are Leroy and Lucille Dobbins, J.C. and Nellie Holt, Lottie Crowe and the late Clinton Crowe and Milton and Iantha Humphries...
Avaree Jayne Gipson born
(Local News ~ 08/22/07)
Dave and Gari Ann Gipson of Jonesboro are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Avaree Jayne Gipson. Avaree was born on Aug. 9, 2007 at St. Bernard's Regional Medical Center weighing seven pounds and seven ounces. She had three big brothers: Breydon, nine; Josh, 11 and Noah, 12; and one big sister, Mallory, 14...
Protecting people and pets from horse and deer flies
(Local News ~ 08/22/07)
Have you been experiencing the annoyance of biting flies the last few weeks? As if we haven't had enough to worry about with the dry and hot weather, and all the bugs and mosquitoes that accompany it. Now the flies have jumped on the band wagon. These pests aren't only nuisances; they're a threat to the health of animals and people alike...
Special program set for Dyess Dayes
(Local News ~ 08/22/07)
Nashville comes to Dyess on Aug. 25 for special performances. The event starts at 7 p.m. with Wilford Ray and the Nashville Band with fiddle playing and vocals of Karen Pendley. The event will also feature a George Jones impersonator. Admission is $6 and all proceeds will go to a Johnny cash Memorial...
Elm Grove celebrates homecoming
(Local News ~ 08/22/07)
Elm Grove Missionary Baptist Church, 2331 Hwy 69 South, is celebrating Homecoming Sunday, Aug. 26. Sunday school starts at 10 a.m. Worship service will follow with guest speaker pastor Gary Goodwin. Lunch will be served and singing will be after lunch...
Bay lunch menu
(Local News ~ 08/22/07)
Week of Aug. 27 -- 31 Monday -- taco's, refried beans, chips and salsa, lettuce and tomato, cheese, pineapple and milk. Tuesday -- hot dogs, French fries, kraut, tomato, onion, relish, white beans, mixed fruit and milk. Wednesday -- chicken nugget, potatoes and gravy, green beans, rolls, diced pears and milk...
Miss Mallard set for Sept. 8
(Local News ~ 08/22/07)
To celebrate the 25th year of the Trumann Wild Duck Festival organizers of the Miss Mallard pageant decided to give away large crown to every princess and queen. These crowns are larger and more spectacular than any ever awarded for Miss Mallard. Another special new event will be the crowing of the People's Choice Mallard Queen. ...
Jack Noel's passion for film continues at Maxie (Local News ~ 08/22/07)
Jack Noel knew what he wanted to do with his life when he was ten 10 years old. That was when he first started working in a theatre. He refuses to givedoesn't like to tell his age, but says working in a movie theatre is all he has ever done. Growing up in Texas, he started his theatre career as a child. His career started intook him from Texas to and Oklahoma and later to brought him to Arkansas and, eventually, Trumann where he has made his home in Trumann since 1956... -
Freeman Travis French
(Obituary ~ 08/22/07)
Mr. Freeman Travis French, 67 of Jonesboro died Tuesday at St. Francis Hospital in Memphis. Mr. French was born May 14, 1940 in Harrisburg and had lived in Jonesboro for the past 11 years and was formerly of Trumann. Mr. French was a retired engineer draftsman for Craighead Electric and a member of Temple Baptist Church...
Stories from Wednesday, August 22, 2007
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