Secada visits Trumann
(Local News ~ 02/22/07)
Jon Secada, thought by some to be one of the most gifted artists of our time, visited the Baldwin Piano plant in Trumann Tuesday. "I am looking forward to touring the plant and seeing how the pianos are made," Secada said. "It is great that they are an American instrument made here in America."...
Emma Mae Adams
(Obituary ~ 02/22/07)
Emma Mae "Emmy" Adams, 99, of Trumann died Thursday, Feb. 15, 2007 at the family residence. Adams was born in Trumann and was a lifetime resident of the Freer Community near Trumann. She was a homemaker and a member of the Freer Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, Ernie Adams in 1997; five sisters; two brothers and was the daughter of the late Ernest Wasson "E.W." and Melissia Belle Watkins Richards...
Dr. J.W. "Jim" Basinger
(Obituary ~ 02/22/07)
Dr. J.W. "Jim" Basinger, 74, of Jonesboro died Sunday, Feb. 18, 2007 at his home. He was born in Rudy and moved to Jonesboro in 1974 from Tampa, Fla. He was a member of First Baptist Church in Jonesboro where he served as a deacon and a choir member...
Class of 57 sets reunion dates
(Local News ~ 02/22/07)
The Trumann High School Class of '57 has set the dates for its 50th class reunion. The dates are Aug. 31 -- Sept. 1, 2007. One letter has been sent to class members, and the planning committee is meeting monthly to make further plans for that weekend of activities. Another letter will be sent out in the next few weeks...
First Assembly of God has revival
(Local News ~ 02/22/07)
The First Assembly of God in Trumann, located on the corner of Flossie Drive and Willow, is hosting a revival Feb. 25 -- 28 at the church. Services will start at 11 a.m. and 6 p.m., Sunday Feb. 25 and 7 p.m., nightly for the rest of the week. For more information or for a ride to the revival contact Pastor Doke at 483-7793...
Central Elementary to host prep night
(Local News ~ 02/22/07)
Central Elementary will host a "test prep" parent night beginning at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 27. The purpose of this meeting is to inform parents/guardians of upcoming testing dates and provide testing tips for their children. Everyone is encouraged to attend. Following the presentation burgers and drinks will be served. For additional information call Bobby Benson, principal, or Joy Holt, counselor at 870-578-5401...
CRDC taking applications for utility assistance funds
(Local News ~ 02/22/07)
With temperatures plunging and utlity bills rising, more and more low income residents of Northeast Arkansas will be looking to Crowley's Ridge Development Council in Northeast Arkansas for utility bill payment assistance. Through the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program, commonly referred to as LIHEAP, qualified applicants are receiving help in paying these high utility bills that come with the seasonal extremes in temperatures...
First Baptist to host Wild Game dinner
(Local News ~ 02/22/07)
First Baptist Church of Trumann will host the fifth annual Wild Game Dinner at 6 p.m., Saturday, March 3. Steve "Wildman" Wilson, former director of the Arkansas Fish and Game Commission, will be the keynote speaker. Wilson, better known to Arkansas as "Wildman," earned his nickname in 1984 when he became the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission's coordinator of Project WILD, a conservation education program...
Mane Attraction expands business
(Local News ~ 02/22/07)
The Mane Attraction is Trumann is expanding their business and their name to completely pamper and take care of the beauty needs of their clients. The new Mane Attraction Tanning and Hair Salon, accompanied with Armonie Massage, offers many new services to existing and new clients...
TPD felony arrest report
(Local News ~ 02/22/07)
On Feb. 14 the Trumann Police Department received a complaint of drug activity at Willow Point Inn on Hwy 69. PFC Gary Henry and Ptl. Eric Willbanks responded with Chief Larry Blagg. On arrival at Willow Point, police saw a white male standing outside room 114 with the door wide open. Officer's thought this was suspicious do to the extremely cold weather...
Dist. Gov. visits Trumann Lions (Local News ~ 02/22/07)
Trumann Lions Club members were in for a treat when District Governor 7-O Walter "Wally" Schultz came to speak with them. He kept the group entertained with his lively stories while sharing tips on successful club growth and membership with them. He said it is important for established members to, "rekindle the glow in your heart for Lionism."... -
White named new THS football head coach
(Local News ~ 02/22/07)
Greg White was named Trumann High School's new head football coach during the Feb. 12 Trumann School Board meeting. Current head football coach Ricky Timbs is retiring at the end of this school year. Another highly anticipated topic for the board was what days to make up for the two missed inclement weather days Feb. 1 and 2. Make up days were set for Monday, Feb. 19 and Friday May 4...
K9 Canton still sniffing out drugs
(Local News ~ 02/22/07)
The phrase "an oldie but a goodie" comes to mind when you think of Trumann K9 Canton. She is 11 years old and has been a member of the Trumann Police Department for nearly that long. In dog years that would make her 77, well past the age of retirement, but she is still going strong reporting for duty five days a week, and is always on call any time of the day or night with her K9 officer, Ptl. Erik Willbanks...
EHC honors charter member
(Local News ~ 02/22/07)
The Maple Grove EHC met Friday, Feb. 12 in the church fellowship center with eight members present. Charter member Clara Heathcock was honored with a luncheon and birthday cake, made by JoAnn Pankey. Mrs. Heathcock was 92 years young. After singing "Happy Birthday" the meeting was called to order by president Sherry Shaw...
Robert Elroy Thomas
(Obituary ~ 02/22/07)
Robert Elroy (Bobby) Thomas, 76, of Jonesboro passed away Sunday, Feb. 18, 2007 at his residence. He was born in Montgomery, Ala. and lived most of his lifetime in the Shady Grove Community outside of Trumann before moving to Jonesboro several years ago. ...
Stories from Thursday, February 22, 2007
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