Revenue Stabilization Act
The Revenue Stabilization Act (RSA) is typically one of the last items passed every session. It categorizes and prioritizes state spending.
Members are now reviewing the proposed Revenue Stabilization amendment schedule reflecting the allocation of general revenue funds for Fiscal Year 2023.
The proposed amendment outlines $6.02 billion in spending. That is less than a 3% increase in spending from the current fiscal year.
The state fiscal year begins July 1.
The largest increases in spending can be found in education and human services.
The proposed budget outlines a $70 million increase for elementary and secondary education.
It includes an $11 million increase for DHS Children and Family Services and a $23.5 million increase for DHS grants which includes Medicaid spending.
County jail reimbursement is increased by $6.4 million in the proposed budget.
The RSA calls for a $7.4 million increase for Arkansas State Police. This will assist in raising the salaries for state troopers.
It is anticipated members will vote on the RSA next week.
On Wednesday, the House voted to amend HB1034, an Act for the Department of Corrections-Division of Correction Appropriation. The amendment includes an appropriation of up to $75 million for costs associated with prison expansion.
The House passed SB103 which provides a one-time stipend of $5,000 to full time certified city and county law enforcement officer as well as probation and parole officers.
It also provides for a $2,000 one-time stipend for state troopers.
The House also passed one time appropriations for pregnancy center resource grants, the School for the Deaf and Blind, the breast milk bank, and the Northwest Arkansas Veterans Home.
You can find the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2023 as well live-streams of all committee meetings and House proceedings on our website
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