House's First Week
The House has now completed its work for the first week of the 2021 Regular Session.
This afternoon, the House passed HR1005, which requires members, staff, and the public to wear a mask when accessing House properties, including the House Chamber.
HR1005 also provides remote voting options for members on House floor proceedings. Members can vote on an electronic voting system from their computer while still physically in the Capitol. This allows additional space for those who wish to cast a vote without being on the House floor. In addition, members can vote by proxy or pair a vote with another member if they cannot be in the Capitol.
The House also passed HR1006, which addresses new rules for committees.
HR1006 outlines public participation in committees. Public comment holding rooms are now available for every committee. If a member of the public wants to speak for or against a bill in committee, they will need to fill out a sign-in sheet found outside the committee rooms and online at
Staff will then escort those wishing to testify into the committee room at the appropriate time. Live streams are available in the public comment holding rooms.
HR1006 also makes changes to committee agendas, so members of the public know which bills will be discussed on any given day.
Committee agendas will be posted at least 18 hours before the committee meeting.
The House reconvened Tuesday, January 19.
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